17 Must-Join Facebook Groups for Bloggers to Boost Blog Traffic Instantly!

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Last Updated on February 25, 2022 by Rebecca Lake

Learn which Facebook groups can help you grow your blog traffic!

Facebook groups for bloggers–there are a million of them, right?

Well, not exactly a million. Or at least, I don’t think so.

But it can feel that way when you’re scrolling Facebook looking for groups to join because you just started a blog.

At one point, I belonged to over 100 different Facebook groups for blogging. It was overwhelming and I’d forgotten joining about half of them.

The challenge (and what I want to help you with) is figuring out which ones are worth your time.

So dig into this post to learn which Facebook groups for bloggers are my absolute favorite!

Benefits of Joining Facebook Groups for Bloggers

There are three great reasons to join Facebook groups for bloggers when you’re just getting started as a blogger.

First, you can learn a ton about blogging this way.

A lot of blogging groups on Facebook allow members to post questions on the wall or ask for feedback about their blog.

I’ve asked questions about Pinterest design, collaborating, building an email list–you name it.

And I also pay attention to what other people are asking too. It’s an easy way to boost your blogging knowledge without having to spend hours scouring the internet looking for answers.

Second, you can build relationships with other bloggers in these groups.

I don’t know any of the people in the Facebook groups I belong to personally.

But there’s a sense of we’re-all-in-this-together that happens when you see the same faces popping up as you make the rounds of different groups. And that can come in handy when you’re ready to start branching out your blog promotion efforts.

One of your blogging friends might ask you to guest post on their site, for example. Or they might start following you on Pinterest and their followers start following you too.

As your network grows, your blog can grow too.

Third, and maybe most importantly if you’re a new blogger, Facebook groups can be a great way to help boost your blog traffic.

And that’s what you want, right?

People visiting your blog, leaving comments, bookmarking your posts for later, sharing them on Pinterest, Twitter–you get the picture.

A lot of the groups I belong to feature sharing threads where you can share a post or your latest pin or your social media profiles. Dropping your links is a fast and easy way to get eyes on your content.

facebook groups to grow your blog

What Makes a Facebook Group for Bloggers Good?

Before we get to the list, let’s run through what makes a Facebook group for bloggers a good one.

Here’s what I look for when joining a group:

  • Decent membership (1,000+)
  • Created and run by an established blogger (or bloggers)
  • Private, closed group
  • Regular and consistent posting by the moderators/owners
  • Promo threads or days for sharing blog posts, social media profiles, etc.
  • Great engagement

Basically, I try to join blogging groups that give you a chance to promote your blog but also help you actually learn about blogging.

Because there’s so much to learn all the time when you’re a beginner.

So, the groups I’m most active in are the ones where members can and do ask lots of questions. The best groups are the ones where the admins and/or moderators actually take time to provide a thoughtful answer.

For example, I recently asked a question about opt-ins in the Blogging Education Network group. Both group moderators, Tracie Fobes and Debbie Gartner (who, if you don’t know, are both big-time bloggers) jumped in and answered my questions.

I mean, what’s better than that?

I’m learning how to be a better blogger from pros who have already mastered it. And I’m tapping into their knowledge that they so generously share for FREE.

It’s the perfect recipe for a stellar blogging Facebook group.

17 Facebook Groups for Bloggers You Need to Join Right Now

Alright, you ready for the good stuff? Let’s dig into the list

1. Blogging for New Bloggers

Blogging for New Bloggers

Hosted by: 

Lucrezia & Marina from Tinylovebug and Blogging for New Bloggers

Promo days? 

Yes, daily threads include blog post sharing and commenting, repinning, Facebook follows and share anything promo days.

Why You Should Join

I love Blogging for New Bloggers because there are plenty of opportunities to promote your blog but it’s also an open forum for asking questions about blogging.

This group is geared toward beginning bloggers but anyone is welcome and more than 22,000 people have joined. It’s a great place to get help and advice on starting or growing your list, increasing your traffic, monetizing–basically anything blog-related you need to know.

2. Blogging Newbs

blogging newbs

Hosted by: 

McKinzie Bean of Moms Make Cents

Promo days?

Yes, there are promo days for Pinterest and blog post sharing, along with feedback and motivation threads.

Why You Should Join

Blogging Newbs isn’t just for newbies, there are bloggers at every stage of the game hanging out here. (Like a lot of them–this group has 26,000+ members and counting.)

I love this group because it’s first and foremost about helping members become better bloggers.

McKinzie encourages asking questions, discussing your biggest blogging challenges, asking for feedback, etc. There’s a definite sense of community, which can’t be beat.

3. Becoming a Blogger

becoming a blogger

Hosted by: 

Cate Rosales of Sweet and Simple Life

Promo days?

Yes, there are promo days for Facebook likes, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, blog post sharing, plus a wildcard day.

Why You Should Join

Becoming a Blogger is a Facebook group for bloggers who are serious about growing their blogs, making money and living the work at home life.

You can join this group even if you haven’t started your blog yet and need a little coaching or encouragement on how to do it.

There are 15,000+ members who can answer questions. And you’ll often see Cate jumping in to offer help as well when there’s a particularly tough question on the table.

4. Golden Bloggerz

golden bloggerz

Hosted by: 

Chris Kosto of Golden Bloggerz

Promo days?

Yes, daily sharing for Pinterest, social media follows, blog posts and Instagram.

Why You Should Join

Chris Kosto genuinely wants to help other bloggers succeed and Golden Bloggerz almost feels like more of a family than a bunch of random people trying to get their content seen.  He encourages people to actively participate in the group (no link-dropping and running here!) and he takes the time to leave thoughtful comments on member posts.

This group is a great pick if you want to check out an eclectic mix of blogs. You’ll find everything from inspirational blogs to digital marketing blogs to freelance writing blogs which makes it perfect if you’re interested in exploring different niches.

5. Blogging Babes Collective

blogging babes collective

Hosted by: 

Sasha Lassey of Everyday She’s Sparkling

Promo days?

Yes, there are promo threads for Facebook, Twitter, blog post sharing, Pinterest and collaborations.

Why You Should Join

Collaboration and support are the focus of Blogging Babes Collective, although there are plenty of opportunities to promote your blog.

Aside from promo threads, group host Sasha also posts a daily thread for members to ask questions about specific topics. Those include things like how to figure out SEO or how to improve your blog design.

It’s a great group for learning how to blog while making blogging friends (even if you’re a major introvert like me. 🙂 )

6. Blogger Education Network

blogger education network

Hosted by: 

Tracie Fobes and Debbie Gartner (moderator)

Promo days?


Why You Should Join

Two reasons: Tracie and Debbie.

They are seriously two of the most helpful people I’ve met so far in the blogging world. I’ve asked a bunch of questions in this group and they’ve come through with solid answers every time.

My only regret is not finding this group sooner. A lot of Facebook groups for bloggers claim to be judgment-free zones where you can ask anything but Blogger Education Network is the real deal.

7. Blogging Like We Mean It

blogging like we mean it

Hosted by: 

Carly Campbell of Mommy on Purpose

Promo days?


Why You Should Join

Blogging Like We Mean It is a pretty big group (13,000+) members and there are people here from all over the blogging spectrum.

You can come here to ask questions, share your biggest wins (or fails) and ask for motivation or encouragement when you’re ready to quit blogging.

Also, be on the lookout for regular lives from host Carly where she talks about the latest blogging trends and offers practical advice for improving your blog.

8. Bloggers Camp – Community to Connect

she means blogging

Hosted by: 

Arfa Nazeer of She Means Blogging

Promo days?

Yes, there are promo days for social media shares, collaborations, sharing blog posts and dropping links to your opt-in freebies.

Why You Should Join

I really love Arfa’s blog (formerly Epife.com) because she just offers so many great blogging tips! When I saw that she had a Facebook group, I was excited to join and I haven’t been disappointed.

Bloggers Camp is great for building connections with other bloggers. If you’re looking to offer services as a way to make money with your blog or you want to collaborate with another blogger in your niche, this is the place to be.

9. Blogging Boss Chicks

blogging boss chics

Hosted by:

Ashley Cooper of The Rich Girl Blog

Promo days?

Yes, there are daily threads for Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and blog post shares.

Why You Should Join

Blogging Boss Chics is one of the more recent Facebook groups for bloggers I’ve joined but I’m already hooked!

This group is a great place to promote and share your content, including affiliate links. And Ashley makes a point of allowing you to promote more than just your Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram, with YouTube sharing threads thrown in the mix.

10. The Smart Blogging Group

the smart blogging approach

Hosted by:

Ana at The She Approach

Promo days?

Yes, though this group is also about sharing your blogging wins and finding people to collab with.

Why You Should Join

The Smart Blogging Approach is a great Facebook group for bloggers to join if you have alllll the questions about blogging and need them answered.

There are threads for sharing and promotion of your blog but it’s more about learning how to blog, which is ideal for beginners or you’re like me and you still haven’t figured this whole blogging thing out yet. Group owner Ana is a blogging expert and the community here is always super helpful.

11. BTOP Ultimate Blogging Group

btop ultimate blogging group

Hosted by: 

Ben Huber and Jeff Proctor (owners of DollarSprout and Breaking The One Percent)

Promo days?


Why You Should Join

BTOP Ultimate Blogging Group is run by Ben and Jeff, who have established not one, but two successful blogs.

They’re totally transparent about what worked (and what didn’t) and they’re AWESOME! (And I don’t just say that because I write for Dollarsprout–they’re seriously great people.)

A lot of established bloggers belong to this group and they freely share their knowledge. It’s definitely one to join if you’re serious about growing your blog and making real money from it.

12. Pinterest Ninjas

pinterest ninjas

Hosted by: 

Megan Johnson of LoveFamilyHealth.com

Promo days?

Yes, there are days for social sharing, Pinterest follows and wildcard promo days.

Why You Should Join

We bloggers get it pounded into our heads that Pinterest is a great traffic driver. And that’s pretty much true.

But dang, figuring out Pinterest? That’s a real challenge, at least it is for me.

Pinterest Ninjas is all about leveling up your Pinterest game. You can share your pins or Pinterest profile here but you can also get feedback on pin designs and popular tools for pinning, like Canva or Tailwind.

13. Bloggers Supporting Bloggers

bloggers supporting bloggers

Hosted by:

Miss Millennia Magazine

Promo days?

Yes, there are regular sharing days for blog posts, freebies as well as days for sharing your wins and asking for feedback.

Why You Should Join

Bloggers Supporting Bloggers is an awesome resource for gaining visibility as a new blogger. The sharing threads are always super active which is great if you need to get eyes on your content.

As an added plus, the group recognizes a blogger of the week which means you have a chance to be in the spotlight and generate even more traffic if you’re chosen.

14. A Self Guru – Biz Blog Community

a self guru

Hosted by: 

Amira of A Self Guru

Promo days?

Yes, there are daily threads for blog post, Pinterest and social sharing.

Why You Should Join

A Self Guru – Blog Biz Community is one of my favorite Facebook groups for bloggers. It’s a genuinely friendly and helpful corner of Facebook to spend time in as a blogger.

This group covers the gamut of almost everything blogging and business-related, including how to make sure you’re blogging legally. (Be sure to grab Amira’s Legal Bundle–it’s got everything you need to make your blog & biz website 100% legal.)

15. Blogging With Purpose

blogging with purpose

Hosted by: 

Kelan & Brittany of The Savvy Couple

Promo days?

Yes, for blog post and social sharing, plus a feedback thread.

Why You Should Join

Kelan and Brittany are six-figure bloggers so they definitely know what they’re talking about when handing out blogging advice.

Blogging With Purpose is designed to help other bloggers crack the code on making money online. Whether you want to make money blogging through sponsorships, ads, selling your own products or affiliates, you’ll fit right in.

16. Newbie & Expert Bloggers Unite

cheers to life

Hosted by:

Lucy at Cheers to Life Blogging

Promo days?

Yes, regular days for sharing content with some days offering multiple themed sharing threads.

Why you should join:

I first met Lucy in a private blogging challenge group run by Cate at Sweet and Simple Life and it became very clear, very early that she is destined to kill it at blogging.

Although her blogs (yes, she has more than one!) are fairly new she’s managed to grow Newbie & Expert Bloggers Unite by leaps and bounds in a very short time. This group is a great place to connect, regardless of what level of blogging you’re at.

17. Help a Blogger Out

help a blogger out

Hosted by:

Blog With Mo

Promo days?

Yes, on Fridays.

Why You Should Join

Help a Blogger Out lives up to its name. Everyone in this group is always ready to pitch in and answer questions or offer help when needed.

You can share your content here on promo days but this Facebook group for bloggers is more about networking, building relationships and fine-tuning your blogging skills.

facebook groups for bloggers

Tips for Joining Facebook Blogging Groups

So hopefully, you’ve found a few groups on this list that you’d like to join.

Here are my best tips for joining and participating in Facebook groups to grow your blog:

Consider what you want to get from the group.

Not long ago, I decided to leave 60+ Facebook groups for blogging because they just didn’t fit with what I needed.

But I was in all of them because I’d gone on a group joining spree. Don’t do that; it’s just a time-waster.

Instead, think about what you’re looking for in a group (education, sharing, connections, etc.). Stick to joining only those groups that fit the bill.

Answer the questions to join.

One thing you’ll run into a lot when joining blogger groups on Facebook is having to answer prescreening questions.

Typically, you’ll have to share your blog URL and why you want to join. You may also be asked to agree to not violate the group rules.

Don’t skip these questions. If you do, your request to join will likely go ignored or get deleted.

Read the group rules and follow them.

Every group has different rules about what you can and can’t do, especially when it comes to when you can post links to your blog.

If you’re going to join a Facebook group to promote your blog, then great. But don’t step on the admin’s toes to do it.

So read the rules, get familiar with when you can and can’t share. And most of all, be nice to other people in the group.

Engage with other group members.

Facebook groups for bloggers that support community only work when the members and admins participate.

So ask questions. And if you can answer a question someone else posts, don’t be afraid to chime in.

This is how you get to know people and it’s also how you learn how to be a better blogger.

Share your stuff!

Lastly, if a Facebook group you belong to has sharing or promo threads, use them!

Just remember that Facebook can penalize you for sharing the same link too many times. So mix it up.

For example, I try to promote two to three different posts or pins every week. This keeps me from getting on Facebook’s bad side and it helps me test out what kind of content is getting the best response.

Also, know that Facebook can ding you for commenting too often in a short amount of time as well.

So if you’re commenting on a thread to let other members know you’ve shared their stuff, try to space it out.

And duh–make sure you’re sharing other peoples’ content.

It’s called reciprocation and it’s only fair to spread the love a little if other people are helping promote your blog. 🙂

Do You Have a Favorite Facebook Group for Bloggers?

So there you have it, my personal favorite picks for the best Facebook groups to grow your blog!

If you have a group you just love, love, love, head to the comments and tell me about it. And of course, be sure to share this post in the blogging Facebook groups you belong to if it helped you!

About Rebecca Lake

Rebecca Lake is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance, freelance writer and homeschooling single mom of two. Since 2014, she's paid off nearly $100,000 in debt and grown her net worth to seven figures. Her work has appeared online at top personal finance websites, including Forbes Advisor, Bankrate, Investopedia, The Balance, CreditCards.com and U.S. News & World Report. Find out more.