50+ In-Demand Virtual Assistant Services You Can Offer to Make Money Online

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Last Updated on January 9, 2021 by Rebecca Lake

Most In-Demand Virtual Assistant Services to Offer Now

Becoming a virtual assistant can be a legitimate way to make money online. Learn the best virtual assistant services to offer now to make money!

And if you’re ready to kickstart your virtual assistant career, check out this amazingly helpful mini-course!

Are you for a flexible way to make money online using the skills you already have?

Starting a virtual assistant business could be a no-brainer if you’re ready to start making an income online. 

According to ZipRecruiter, the typical virtual assistant earns just over $67,000 a year on average. That’s not too shabby for a work at home job that you can do in your jammies!

One of the biggest challenges of becoming a virtual assistant is deciding what kind of services to offer your clients. 

So to make it easy for you, I’ve rounded up the best virtual assistant services to start making money!

Related post:

25 Creative Ways to Make Money From Home (Without a Job!)

What Exactly Does a Virtual Assistant Do?

woman working as a virtual assistant

Great question!

In a nutshell, virtual assistants help small business owners run their businesses. 

There are so many different kinds of small businesses that work with virtual assistants. For example, if you’re working as a general VA, your list of clients might include:

  • Real estate agents or real estate firms
  • Bloggers
  • Marketing companies
  • Construction companies
  • Companies that specialize in data entry
  • Bookkeeping firms
  • Churches or other religious organizations
  • Coaches or consultants

Or you could specialize in working with one type of client only. That’s what’s great about becoming a virtual assistant–you can build your business the way you want!

The kind of tasks you might do as a virtual assistant can depend on the type of client you’re working with. And that’s where this virtual assistant services list comes in handy.

Relate post:

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How Do I Start a Virtual Assistant Business?

be a virtual assistant

If you’re interested in becoming a virtual assistant, there are a few things to know:

  • You don’t need a lot of money to start your VA business. (Great if you’re on a tight budget!)
  • Specializing could help you earn more money versus offering general virtual assistant services. 
  • You’ll need to spend a good amount of time networking and marketing yourself early to build a client base.
  • You should have an idea of your target rate before you start scouting clients so you don’t undersell your services. 
  • Keeping track of your income and expenses is a must!

Before I became a freelance writer and blogger, I did a year-long stint as a virtual assistant.

I worked for an established VA who hired me because I could write, even though I’d never worked as a VA before. 

So the good news is, you don’t need a ton of experience to become a virtual assistant. But if you want to get a competitive edge, taking a course can be a huge help. 

For that, I have to recommend Gina Horkey. She’s an expert at making money with virtual assistant services!

If you want to learn more about becoming a VA, you’ll definitely want to sign up for her Jumpstart Your VA Biz mini-course. It covers all the basics of becoming a successful VA!

And if you’re ready to go big or go home with launching a VA biz, be sure to scope out her Fully Booked VA monthly membership!

Ultimate List of Virtual Assistant Services to Make Money

To keep things simple I’ve broken this list up by skill set. So you can scan through all the different ways to make money as a virtual assistant or skip around to the sections that are most relevant to you!

General Administrative Services

woman typing on a laptop

1. Project management

Project management is a broad term that can be used to describe several virtual assistant services. For example, that might include:

  • Conducting industry research or market research
  • Recruiting experts or freelance team members
  • Creating and overseeing a project calendar or timeline
  • Managing the project budget
  • Tracking milestones

Starting out with project management could be a good fit if you aren’t sure whether you want to specialize as a VA or not. It’s also a great way to put a wide range of skills to work. 

2. Email management

Staying on top of email can be a real headache for small business owners and bloggers. 

As a virtual assistant, you could get paid to manage emails for clients. That could include:

  • Opening and responding to emails
  • Weeding out spam messages
  • Setting up email auto-responders
  • Creating email signatures

This is a specialized service you could offer as a VA and might be a good fit you’re a pro at maintaining inbox zero

3. Bookkeeping services

A big part of running a small business is staying on top of the books. 

If you’re great with numbers, you could make money as a virtual bookkeeper performing services like:

  • Creating and tracking invoices
  • Tracking accounts receivable and accounts payable
  • Issuing customer refunds
  • Making monthly bill payments
  • Balancing the books
  • Managing payroll
  • Tracking quarterly tax payments
  • Organizing tax filing documents

⇒Check out my detailed guide to becoming a virtual bookkeeper!

4. Data entry

Data entry is more of a specialized skill but it’s something plenty of businesses need help with. 

For example, you might offer data entry virtual assistant services for:

  • Real estate firms
  • Insurance companies
  • Health care providers
  • Sales-based businesses

Data entry skills include spreadsheet creation and management. And of course, you’ll need to be great at analyzing numbers or groups of information and keeping them organized. 

5. Calendar management

Running a small business can make keeping up with your calendar and scheduling challenging. 

As a virtual assistant, you could easily make money by offering calendar and schedule management. 

For example, you might get paid to:

  • Schedule and track in-person or virtual meetings
  • Schedule public or promotional appearances for clients
  • Cancel or reschedule appointments/meetings as needed
  • Confirm availability for clients
  • Set up interviews
  • Send out calendar reminders to clients or your client’s customers

Again, you’ll need to be organized to handle this task. And it can also help to be familiar with scheduling apps like Google calendar or Acuity. 

6. Event planning

Event planners can do a lot of things but their big job is to oversee the planning and management of a specific event. 

So, for example, as a virtual assistant, you might help a client with planning a webinar or online workshop. Your tasks might include:

  • Choosing the date
  • Helping to shape the content or focus of the webinar
  • Recruiting special guests or experts, if needed
  • Getting set up on the webinar or workshop platform
  • Moderating comments during the webinar or workshop
  • Promoting the event

It can help to have a background in event planning or PR, though it’s not a requirement if you’re passionate about event planning as a virtual assistant. 

7. File management

File management is increasingly digital, as more small business owners rely on cloud storage to keep track of files. 

One of the virtual assistant services you could offer is keeping track of those files, updating them as needed or deleting ones that have become outdated. 

You’ll need to know your way around cloud computing software but otherwise, this could be a relatively easy way to make money using the skills you already have. 

8. Updating listings for real estate agents

Real estate agents use the MLS to list properties for sale and someone has to write those descriptions. 

This is actually something I did when I worked as a VA before I became a freelance writer. 

If you’re looking for the most in-demand VA services this is one of them because it can be a real time-saver for busy agents and realtors. 

9. Database management

Database management is similar to data entry, though it can be a little more involved.

With data entry, you might be limited to entering information into a spreadsheet. Database management means overseeing and managing the data that’s being collected. 

As a VA, you could be in charge of making sure databases are up to date and organized so that your client can easily analyze them as needed. 

10. Making travel arrangements

Booking business travel can be time-consuming and some small business owners hire VAs to handle it for them. 

As a travel assistant, you might be asked to:

  • Research flight, hotel and rental car arrangements
  • Book flights, hotels or rental cars
  • Create detailed itineraries for individual trips
  • Schedule airport drop-off and pick-up
  • Obtain travel insurance
  • Schedule reservations for dining
  • Purchase tickets for entertainment/recreation
  • Handle currency exchanges

If you love to travel yourself, being a travel assistant might be a good fit. And you could earn bonus points (and bonus income!) if you specialize in booking certain types of trips, such as travel to conventions.  

11. Order fulfillment

Small businesses that sell a product may need help with getting those orders fulfilled. 

That’s where you come in as a virtual assistant. 

For example, you might work with a client that owns a Shopify store or an Esty shop. As orders come in, it would be up to you to make sure the goods (either digital or physical) are being delivered to customers. 

12. Answering phone calls

As an introvert, I hate talking on the phone. But if you’re comfortable with phone calls you could answer phones as a VA. 

For example, you might come across a lawn care business that gets a lot of phone calls from would-be customers. 

But since they’re busy tending to lawns, they don’t have time to answer all those calls. You could answer them instead and take down the callers’ information so they don’t miss out on potential customers. 

You might want to invest in a good headset or hands-free device for this, but otherwise, it’s a low-cost way to get started as a virtual assistant. 

13. New client onboarding

Adding new clients can mean more profits for small business owners. Taking on more clients is what’s helped me grow my freelance writing business. 

But getting them onboarded can be time-consuming. 

Virtual assistants can handle the onboarding process, including:

  • Explaining policies and procedures
  • Getting any necessary contracts signed
  • Setting up invoicing and payment methods
  • Answering any questions a new client has

As a VA, you can be a go-between for your clients and their clients so that the “getting to know each other” phase goes as smoothly as possible. 

14. Product launch management

Launching a product, whether it’s a digital one or a virtual one, can come with a laundry list of tasks. 

Businesses can hire those tasks out to VAs, including:

  • Setting up sales pages or opt-in pages
  • Promoting the product launch on social media
  • Scheduling in-person or virtual promotional opportunities, such as interviews
  • Running Facebook ads
  • User testing the sales process and addressing any snags

Similar to project management, there are a lot of different tasks you might be asked to do. But if you can master them all and help a business owner launch their product smoothly, you could easily turn that into a referral to land more clients. 

15. VA team management

Some business owners work with more than one VA. 

For example, they might have one VA for social media management, one for general administrative tasks and another to manage a product launch. 

As a VA team manager, you could be responsible for overseeing the work of multiple virtual assistants. 

This might be something you’re interested in if you have previous experience managing a team of any kind. 

Writing Services

woman looking at laptop

16. Newsletter writing

Newsletters are one tool small business owners use to stay connected with their customers and clients. 

But they may not always have time to write them. So that’s where hiring a virtual assistant comes in.

You could get paid to write email newsletters or physical newsletters for clients. 

If you need a few pointers, check out these tips for writing newsletters that get read

17. Website and sales page copywriting

Copywriting can pay extremely well if you’re skilled. 

According to ZipRecruiter, the average remote copywriter makes over $75,000 a year. At the high end, some online copywriters are making twice that!

If you’ve never done any copywriting before, this guide is an excellent place to start. 

You could also check out some of the copywriting courses offered online at Teachable or Thinkific

18. Ghostwriting

Ghostwriting can be a highly paid freelance writing skill you can offer as a virtual assistant. 

As a ghostwriter, you get paid to write content that’s published under someone else’s name or byline. 

So for virtual assistant clients, you might ghostwrite:

  • Op-ed pieces
  • Articles
  • Blog posts
  • Thought leadership content
  • Newsletters
  • Novels
  • Non-fiction books
  • E-books

Ghostwriting is great because there are so many ways you can put this virtual assistant skill to work!

19. Proofreading

Proofreaders aren’t writers, per se.

Instead, proofreaders review written content and check it for grammar errors, spelling errors and typos.

Offering proofreading services as a virtual assistant could make sense if you like to read and you’ve got an excellent eye for detail. 

Here are a few proofreading resources you might be interested in:

⇒Check out my complete guide to getting paid to proofread

⇒Scope out this list of the best online proofreading jobs

⇒Sign up for the FREE general proofreading mini-course to learn how to make money correcting errors!

20. Digital file transcription

Transcription is another way to put reading and typing skills to work. 

As an online transcriptionist, you can make money turning digital files into written ones. 

For example, you could get paid to transcribe:

  • Podcasts
  • Videos
  • Court proceedings (as an online scopist)
  • Audio recordings

⇒Dive into this guide that explains how to get paid to type as an online transcriptionist!

⇒Take the free introduction to transcription webinar!

21. Product description writing

Business owners that sell items online need virtual assistants and writers to craft compelling product descriptions.

This could be a great opportunity to make money as a virtual assistant if you’re skilled at copywriting or sales writing. 

22. Proposal writing

Proposal writing or grant writing can be a huge money-maker. 

The national average salary for grant writers is around $61,000 but some proposal writers are making double that and more!

If you’ve never done any grant-writing, this book is an excellent resource for learning the basics. 

23. Editing

Freelance editing is a little different from freelance writing.

If you decide to offer editing as one of your virtual assistant services, you might be asked to edit:

  • Blog posts
  • Newsletters
  • E-books
  • White papers
  • Research papers
  • Grant proposals
  • Quarterly or annual reports

As an editor, you’ll need a keen eye for detail. And of course, a solid grasp of grammar and spelling. 

24. Podcast scripting

Podcasts are everywhere these days and while some podcasters deliver their thoughts off the cuff, others follow a script. 

As a virtual assistant, you could be tasked with writing podcast scripts. 

Listening to different podcasts in the niche you’re interested in can help you get a feel for how dialogue should flow.

25. E-book writing

The e-book market is another area where you could put your writing skills to work as a virtual assistant. 

You might work with a blogger or business owner who has a great idea for an e-book but can’t find the time to get it down in print. Or they might lack the writing skills to pull it all together. 

As a VA, you could make as an e-book ghostwriter. Or you could get paid to edit and format e-books for authors once they’ve finished the final draft. 

Related post:

7 Ways to Get Paid to Write Online That Can Earn You Thousands Each Month

Content Creation and Blog Management

hands on a laptop

26. Blog post writing and editing

As a blogger, I can tell you that researching blog post ideas and keywords can be seriously time-consuming. 

Virtual assistant services you can offer to bloggers include: 

  • Brainstorming new post ideas
  • Drafting blog content
  • Updating existing blog posts
  • Editorial calendar management
  • Blog post scheduling
  • Comment moderation

All of these things can be a lot easier if you already have experience with starting a blog yourself!

27. SEO management

Search engine optimization is a huge part of getting search traffic to a blog or website. 

If you’re working with bloggers and business owners, SEO services are definitely something you could use to make money as a VA.

For example, you could get paid to:

  • Conduct keyword research for blog posts
  • Identify potential content gaps using keyword research tools
  • Improve site SEO using on-page and off-page tactics
  • Research what competitors are doing successfully with SEO
  • Analyze and track SEO trends

SEO is constantly changing so you’ll want to stay up to date on the latest trends. 

28. Guest posting

Guest posting is a link-building technique many bloggers use to increase their visibility. 

It involves submitting posts to other blogs and websites to secure a backlink. 

Part of your virtual assistant services might include:

  • Pitching guest post ideas to other bloggers/sites
  • Drafting or editing guests posts
  • Submitting guest posts to other sites and tracking submissions

You could also be asked to review and schedule guest posts submitted to your client’s site. This is something you might do if your client runs a contributor blog. 

29. WordPress troubleshooting

WordPress is the basic foundation that a lot of blogs run on. 

But it’s not always foolproof and it can be easy for bloggers to screw up their sites. (I speak from experience.)

If you’re knowledgeable about WordPress or coding, you could offer blog back-end management as one of your virtual assistant services. 

That could include managing WordPress updates, troubleshooting problems and editing HTML code if needed. 

30. Podcast/video editing

Video is destined to be the next big thing for blogging and web traffic in general. 

Podcasts are gaining in popularity as well. 

If you’re skilled at editing videos or podcasts, you could add that to your list of services to offer as a virtual assistant. 

31. Social media management

Social media is a crazy powerful tool for growing a blog or business.

There are plenty of virtual assistant services you could offer related to social media, including:

  • Setting up social media profiles on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
  • Optimizing social media profiles to make them easily searchable
  • Scheduling social media posts
  • Facebook group setup and management
  • LinkedIn group setup and management 
  • Social media comment moderation/response

You’ll need to know your way around social media, of course. But this could be an excellent money-maker for VAs!

32. Pinterest management

Pinterest is one of the most valuable tools bloggers and e-commerce business owners have at their disposal.

Admittedly, Pinterest can be wonky; I have a love-hate relationship with it myself.

But if you love Pinterest, here are some of the virtual assistant services you could offer to make money:

  • Pin design and creation using a tool like Canva Pro
  • Pin scheduling
  • Pinterest ads management
  • Sending out requests to join group boards
  • Group board moderation
  • Pinterest analytics research
  • Pinterest keyword research

You could offer one or all of those services. And you can even create passive income if you set up a blog of your own and sell Pinterest templates!

33. Facebook ads management

Facebook ads management is another in-demand virtual assistant service you could try. 

I’ve never used Facebook ads but I know they can be real traffic drivers for some bloggers and business owners. 

Best of all, Facebook offers some free courses to get you started learning how to place and manage ads!

Related post:

25 Legitimate Ways to Make an Extra $1000 a Month Online (and Offline)

Website and Graphic Design

online side hustles

34. Website/blog design

Blog design can be a huge selling point for convincing people to come back to a site. 

Some of the virtual assistant services you might offer as a designer include:

  • Site layout management
  • Blog theme design
  • Logo design

You’ll need to have basic knowledge of HTML but otherwise, this could be an easy way to make money online. 

35. Photography

Are you great at taking photos or using Photoshop to edit them?

If so, you could add that to the list of virtual assistant services you might offer. 

For example, you could:

  • Help bloggers with editing photos to be used in their content
  • Edit profile pictures or banner images
  • Create press kits or media kits
  • Design layouts for stock photos

You’ll need photo editing software and a high-quality camera if you plan to offer additional photography services to clients. 

36. Social media graphic creation

For a post to get attention on social media, it often needs a compelling graphic to go along with it. 

If you see a post pop up on Facebook or Twitter, for example, it usually has a featured image to go along with it. 

Creating social media graphics to accompany blog posts or announcements is another way to turn your design skills into cash as a VA. 

You can use a tool like Canva Pro for this or PicMonkey if you prefer that software instead. 

37. E-commerce setup

Setting up an e-commerce shop is a must for bloggers and business owners who plan to sell digital or physical products. 

But getting it set up can be tricky and if it’s not done correctly, it can be a total flop. 

If you’re familiar with e-commerce platforms like Shopify or Etsy, you could offer e-commerce set up as a virtual assistant service. 

38. Branding services

Branding is important for creating consistency and building a reputation. 

Virtual assistant services you might offer in this vein include:

  • Branding consultations
  • Social media branding
  • Lead magnet and product design
  • Website updates and rebranding
  • Logo branding or rebranding
  • Style guide creation
  • Blog content audit to align with branding standards

Branding is essentially a form of marketing and this book offers some great tips on how to be successful at it.

39. Logo design

You could easily make money using your design skills to create logos for businesses and bloggers. 

An eye-catching logo can help keep readers on the page and coming back for more!

Again, check out tools like Canva Pro to practice your logo designs with. You can use it to create some samples to showcase your skills to potential clients. 

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laptop on a desk

40. Affiliate program creation and management

Affiliate marketing can be a great way to generate passive income. When a business or blogger promotes an affiliate, they can earn commissions if the product or service they’re promoting sells. 

Including affiliate program management as a virtual assistant service might mean:

  • Seeking out new affiliate programs your client can join
  • Managing affiliate links and making sure they’re up to date
  • Tracking payments from affiliate programs
  • Helping your client set up an affiliate program of their own

This is a great option for making money as a VA if you’re well-versed in how affiliate marketing works. 

41. Influencer campaign management

Influencers can make a ton of money talking about or promoting products on social media. 

If you’re working with a blogger/influencer, some of the VA services you might offer include:

  • Researching collaboration opportunities
  • Pitching brands with sponsored content ideas
  • Negotiating influencer agreements
  • Tracking influencer campaign results

And if you’re working with a business that wants to connect with influencers, you could handle things like reaching out to bloggers/influencers, making proposals for sponsored content or managing payments to influencers. 

42. Email list management

Email lists can be the real money for some bloggers and business owners. 

Bloggers can’t control Pinterest or Google, after all. But they can control the content that’s delivered to their readers via their email list. 

Email list management is one of the most in-demand virtual assistant services you could offer. 

For example, you might be asked to:

  • Create email sequences for new subscribers
  • Set up or test email delivery automations to ensure that they’re working
  • Purge email lists of unconfirmed subscribers
  • Separate subscribers into specific lists for more targeted email marketing

You could package this together with basic email management services and increase your rate for handling both. 

43. Setting up sales funnels

Sales funnels are used by bloggers as a tool for attracting customer interest and generating leads. 

For example, a sales funnel might look something like this:

  • Blog content to get them to become readers
  • Freebie that entices readers to become subscribers
  • Tripwire offer that encourages subscribers to make a small purchase
  • Main offer to drive even more sales

As a virtual assistant, you could help with the construction of sales funnels by:

  • Creating freebie lead magnets
  • Setting up landing pages for sales offers/products
  • Creating tripwire pages
  • Setting up email automations through a program like Convertkit
  • Ensuring deliverables are received after a purchase is made

Sales funnels can be tricky to master so here’s a helpful guide to how they work.

44. Press release writing and submission

Press releases can help to spread the word when a business launches a new product or service or simply has big news to share. 

As a press release writer, you have to be skilled at writing concisely. Less really can be more.

And once you’ve drafted press releases, you can also get paid to submit them to top PR outlets so they can be circulated online. 

45. Blog post promotion

It’s nice to assume an “if you build it, they will come” mentality with blogging. But that is so not the case.

A blogger can write the best post in the world but if no one reads it, then it has no real value as far as making money or building an audience goes. 

If you know the ropes of online marketing, you could offer blog post promotion services as a VA.

This could involve simple things like sharing the post on social media or blogger outreach, where you reach out to other bloggers or businesses requesting backlinks. 

46. Lead generation/sales outreach

Businesses need customers to survive. But lead generation can take up a lot of time and energy. 

Virtual assistants can make that part of running a business easier by:

  • Creating systems for sourcing and tracking new leads
  • Following up on these leads and reaching out to potential customers
  • Organizing leads and customer information into databases
  • Purging databases of old or outdated lead information

You don’t necessarily need experience with sales yourself to offer this as a virtual assistant service. But having that background could be a plus if it allows you to command higher rates. 

47. Contest/giveaway management

Contests and giveaways can be used to generate interest in a business and potentially boost sales. 

You could use your virtual assistant skills to oversee contests or giveaways for clients, including everything from:

  • Setting up the rules of the contest/giveaway
  • Marketing and promoting it
  • Accepting and tabulating entries
  • Choosing a winner
  • Delivering prizes to contest/giveaway winners

This is actually a pretty fun way to make money as a virtual assistant if you’re the organized type!

48. Live event organization and promotion

Scheduling live events, either online or offline, is a popular way to market a business. 

As part of your virtual assistant services package, you could offer:

  • Event scheduling
  • Marketing and promotion for live events
  • Venue booking
  • Vendor booking if the event will require catering, live entertainment, etc.

This could be perfect for you if you’re highly organized and skilled at managing even the tiniest of details. 

49. HARO submission management

HARO, short for Help a Reporter Out, can be a great PR tool for businesses. 

Reporters and freelance writers (myself included) use HARO to seek out sources who can offer quotes or expert insight for articles. 

Submitting responses to HARO isn’t always guaranteed to get a response. They have to be well-crafted and how quickly you send them in matters. 

As a virtual assistant, you could use your writing skills to draft responses on behalf of clients. Or you may be charged with submitting pre-written responses to queries and following up on them later. 

Related post:

40 High-Paying Side Hustles for Moms Who Want to Make Extra Money

Customer Service and Support

50. Email customer service management

For many business owners, email is a preferred way of handling customer service. 

Some of the email management tasks that could fall under the virtual assistant services umbrella include:

  • Answering customer questions
  • Responding to customer complaints
  • Helping to resolve problems
  • Issuing refunds if necessary
  • Following up after a complaint or issue has been resolved

Also, you may be tasked with tracking patterns of customer complaints surrounding a specific product or service. 

51. Live chat customer support

Live chat makes it easier for customers to connect with businesses. But business owners may not have time to monitor chats themselves. 

Virtual assistants can make money as live chat customer service assistants.

You’ll need to be good at communicating and skilled at conflict resolution. You should also know how to express yourself clearly in writing since you’ll spend a lot of time typing responses to customer questions. 

52. Product/business review monitoring

Online reviews can make or break a business. 

One thing you can do to make money as a virtual assistant is to keep track of reviews, either positive or negative. 

For example, you can monitor sites like Yelp or the Better Business Bureau to see what people are saying about your clients.

You’d then share your findings with your client so they can come up with a plan for addressing any negative reviews. 

53. Client mention monitoring

Businesses and bloggers want to get noticed by the media. That’s part of what helps them to grow. 

Tracking media mentions is a virtual assistant service you could offer and it’s relatively easy to do.

Basically, it involves keeping tabs on when and where your clients are mentioned in the media. 

Business owners can then use this to target new opportunities for additional media mentions. 

54. Customer outreach

Customer outreach can mean a lot of things. 

For example, you might get paid as a VA to send out customer services, address complaints or follow-up when there are issues. 

This does require you to have good communication skills. But if you’re an extrovert, rather than an introvert, that might not be an issue. 

55. Referral program management

Referral programs can be a great way for businesses to gain new customers. 

For example, a business might offer a cash incentive or gift cards for their customers that refer friends and family. 

As a VA, you could get paid to oversee referral programs and keep track of new referrals. 

Again, this is one of those virtual assistant services that’s valuable because it allows business owners to save time while making money. 

Related post:

How to Make $2000 a Month From Home With Flexible Side Hustles

Miscellaneous Virtual Assistant Services

make $1000 a month online

56. Recruiting and hiring freelancers

The freelance economy is going strong and more business owners are learning on independent contractors for help. 

As a VA, you might be asked to help with recruiting and hiring freelancers. 

For example, your client might be a popular blogger who wants to outsource blog post writing. You could be in charge of finding freelancers who are the best fit for the job. 

57. Conducting research

Virtual assistants can get paid to become researchers for their clients. 

For example, your client might ask you to do some research on what their main competitor offers or how they approach marketing. 

Or you might be asked to research the latest industry trends. 

This could be good for you if you’ve got top-notch organizational skills and you’re skilled at rooting out credible information sources. 

58. Online shopping

Online shopping is convenient but it can be time-consuming, too.

As a virtual assistant, your clients may ask you to complete their online shopping for them. 

The great thing about using this skill to make money is that you don’t necessarily need to learn anything new.

You can simply put your own experiences with online shopping to work. 

59. Translation

Speaking multiple languages could pay off, depending on the type of clients you’re targeting. 

If you have a firm grasp of a foreign language, you could offer translation as part of your virtual assistant services package. 

That can include:

  • Translating written documents
  • Translating social media posts
  • Translating video subtitles
  • Podcast translation

60. Sending thank you cards/holiday cards, etc.

Sending out thank you cards, birthday cards, holiday cards and other mailings can be a great way for business owners to stay connected to their customers or clients. 

But doing all that can be time-consuming. 

So that’s another opportunity for you to make money as a VA.

By handling their mailing tasks, you can free up your clients to focus on other things that are important for running their businesses. Though it might seem like a small thing, it can be one of the most valuable virtual assistant services.

Related post:

117 Legitimate Side Hustle Ideas to Make Extra Money

virtual assistant services

Which of these virtual assistant services will you use to start earning an income?

Becoming a virtual assistant is an excellent way to make money without leaving home!

If you’re ready to learn more about how to start your VA business, don’t forget to check out Gina’s awesome mini-course!

Head to the comments and share your best tips for making money as a virtual assistant. And I’d love for you to pin and share this post!

Start Making Money Online With Virtual Assistant Services

About Rebecca Lake

Rebecca Lake is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance, freelance writer and homeschooling single mom of two. Since 2014, she's paid off nearly $100,000 in debt and grown her net worth to seven figures. Her work has appeared online at top personal finance websites, including Forbes Advisor, Bankrate, Investopedia, The Balance, CreditCards.com and U.S. News & World Report. Find out more.